Growth Partners | Maximizing Existing Value
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Most owners manage their business without the benefit of understanding the sentiment of the marketplace in regard to all of the key dimensions of a company’s operating, financial and strategic standing.  Further, so many companies grow based on opportunities that avail themselves instead of embracing a valuation-conscious strategy.  As a result, we have developed a “diagnostic” advisory offering dedicated to assessing “what is” in regard to a company’s alignment with buyer preferences (which are highly correlated to best practices).  This assessment includes a current valuation of a company.  Owners only have benefit of this guidance at the time of a transaction event, which precludes an opportunity to address certain issues.


The key elements include:

  • Evaluating 12 dimensions (entailing 60 elements) of a company
  • Identifying the value drivers of a business
  • Identifying the value detractors of a business
  • Valuing a company based on two prevalent transaction methods
  • Quantifying a company’s alignment with buyer preferences
  • Rating a company’s overall alignment whose outcome predicates next-steps

We begin by requesting certain operating, financial and strategic information, and thereafter, assessing this information, including a “deep-dive” evaluation of a company’s earnings quality.  Overall, 60 different aspects of a company are assessed ultimately concluding with a buyer preference alignment rating along with a valuation indication.  Upon receiving the requested information, the process takes one month to complete.


You can expect to continue to work hard, but no longer fly blind.  You will gain insight that will enhance your ability to optimize decision-making about macro and micro issues.  Specifically, you will be managing in a directed valuation-conscious manner that will increase the value of your business.  Every owner should have the benefit of this guidance as soon as possible.


If yes is an answer to any of these questions, please contact us:

  • Do you want to maximize the value that you already possess?
  • Do you want to prepare for an important transaction event?
  • Are you managing in alignment with the preferences of buyers?

Interested in Gaining Insight About Maximizing Value?

Please open the following article:

“Managing to Maximize Value: Are You Working Hard and Flying Blind”


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